
What ever happens in new jersey stays in new jersey quotes
What ever happens in new jersey stays in new jersey quotes

what ever happens in new jersey stays in new jersey quotes

QUOTE OF THE DAY: “‘Somewhere along the line, we’ve lost the sense of acceptance of responsibility.” - U.S. Shouldn’t we all?ĭAYS SINCE MURPHY REFUSED TO SAY WHETHER HIS WIFE’S NON-PROFIT SHOULD DISCLOSE DONORS: 359 I just want to see solid evidence before we let these political narratives take hold. I don’t dismiss the possibilities that bail reform led to some rise in crime or that the offshore wind project has something to do with whale deaths. As Ry write “ecause it isn’t clear why the whales are dying, the absence of evidence is being used as evidence of regulatory absence.” POLITICO’s Ry Rivard tackled this issue in a story this weekend. And people like Tucker Carlson - those who oppose wind energy for political or financial reasons or both - are exploiting it. Nevertheless, the political discussion immediately went there. But there’s no actual evidence that the preparations for the wind farm have led to the whale deaths. This is happening as a company plans to build a major wind farm off the coast. We also face the lack of correlation/causation distinction with the increase in dead whales washing up on New Jersey beaches. (The timing is coincidental but not ideal, as this hearing is scheduled to happens days after the release of a video showing Memphis officers who belonged to a unit formed in part to combat car theft beating Tyre Nichols, who later died).

what ever happens in new jersey stays in new jersey quotes what ever happens in new jersey stays in new jersey quotes

And today the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee is set to take up a bill that would upgrade the crime of assaulting a police officer and include a five-year mandatory minimum sentence. It’s just that nobody’s demonstrated one. Is there a link? I’m open to the possibility. Only, the statistics that have been cited to tie rising car thefts to bail reform in New Jersey fall apart under the barest of scrutiny. New Jersey Democrats, reacting to what they see as a political vulnerability from some rising crimes, including car thefts, have begun walking back aspects of recent criminal justice reforms and returning to politics reminiscent of the “tough on crime” stuff of the 1990s. New Jersey has recently provided us with two high-profile examples. But they tend to calculate that they have more to gain than to lose by reacting to troubling trends with an answer, even if they don’t have any evidence that it’s a good one. Correlation is not the same thing as causation.

What ever happens in new jersey stays in new jersey quotes